Bieber, Patrizia / Barbara Busch / Jessika Golle / Richard Göllner
Mein Kind kann das – Elterliche Überzeugungen als Türöffner zum Instrumentalspiel
My child can do it – Parental beliefs as door openers to playing an instrument
URN: urn:nbn:de:101:1-2405271413064.714453029757 Artikel veröffentlicht am: 27.05.2024 Abstract: As part of the ELEMUG research project, a cross-sectional study with N = 163 families was carried out to empirically investigate the extent to which parental beliefs are related to playing an instrument at primary school age. To assess parents’ beliefs a questionnaire was used that distinguishes different Read more about Mein Kind kann das – Elterliche Überzeugungen als Türöffner zum Instrumentalspiel[…]