Diese Sonderausgabe von üben & musizieren.research zu „Artistic Citizenship“ geht der Frage nach, inwieweit sich die Zielsetzungen künstlerisch-pädagogischer Studiengänge mit dem Anspruch einer gesamtgesellschaftlichen Verantwortung in Verbindung bringen lassen. Diese Frage stand im Zentrum eines Symposiums im September 2022 an der Freiburger Musikhochschule, veranstaltet von der „Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Leitenden musikpädagogischer Studiengänge in Deutschland“ (ALMS) anlässlich ihres fünfzigjährigen Bestehens.
This special issue of üben & musizieren.research on „Artistic Citizenship“ explores the question of the extent to which the objectives of artistic-pedagogical study programs can be linked to the claim of responsibility for society as a whole. This question was the focus of a symposium in September 2022 at the Freiburg University of Music, organized by the „Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Leitenden musikpädagogischer Studiengänge in Deutschland“ (ALMS) on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary.
Lessing, Wolfgang
Gies, Stefan / Reinhart von Gutzeit / Friedrich-Koh Dolge
Opening words to the ALMS symposium „Artistic Citizenship“ – 17./18.9.2022 at the Freiburg University of Music
Lessing, Wolfgang
Artistic Citizenship – Reflections on a Concept of Orientation in Music Education
Rüdiger, Wolfgang
Every sound says We – and everybody has sounds within him – From Communicative Musicality to Community Music as Artistic Citizenship
Bradler, Katharina
Irritation as driving force for transformation – Some incentives for an irritation friendly education in artistic-pedagogical studies at Musikhochschulen
Pfeifer, Andreas
Video reflection in music teaching – A contribution to video-based self-efficacy experiences in the context of practical music teaching
Eikmeier, Corinna
Music Education and Artistic Research – Improvisation as a learning and research environment
Dartsch, Michael / Renate Reitinger / Barbara Stiller
The new „Bildungsplan“ for early music education in the context of music schools – A strategy to deal with current social challenges?
Mahlert, Ulrich
Raising awareness – pulling the head out of the sand – The initiative „Climate Justice and Sustainability“ at the Berlin University of the Arts and how it could be implemented in music education
Reitinger, Renate / Daniel Valeske / Tabea Bine Gebhardt
Capability Approach, Anti-Bias-Education and Community Music as stimuli for facilitating participation and awareness of diversity within Elemental Music Pedagogy – Insights into an interdisciplinary project with homeless young people
Eveleens, Lianne / Akari Ikuta / Johann Kalvelage / Wolfgang Lessing / Christine Löbbert / Josefine Mücksch / Felicitas Ohnmacht
All just a game? – Music Education and Artistic Citizenship – A Dramolet for three Speakers (A, B, and C)
Merk, Theresa
ALMS turns 50! – The founding of the ALMS as an indication of professionalization